Wanna Go Soul Selling?
I had just gone to sleep when suddenly there was a sound that startled me. It seemed as if somebody had fallen down on the thick mortar area with a loud thud. I looked inside me and checked the soul, it was intact.
As I ventured out into the balcony of my room I saw a man get up from the ground, in perfect shape and walking without a limp, as was expected.
But then in split second, he floats upwards towards the balcony, as if without any mass and steadily floats right in front of me, 6 stories above the ground.
“Wanna meet the vultures from downtown who are sitting at that big tombstone in the form of church that you see, giving some dashing smiles?”
“Nah” I said
“So how about the dogs in the third street? They like to sleep.”
“Sorry, not interested”
“Well, there is another option. Gold and silver pieces. Just meet the bats.”
“Thanks but no thanks”
“Bitch, what is the attitude for. Well anyways it is going to be difficult for you to survive till tomorrow.”
“That’s ok. I know the rules of the rat race. But whatever you might say, at the end of it all I am still going to be a rat.”
“Well you can be a classy rat who is ‘well healed’ and satisfying. And yes you will be the first one to finish.”
“Get the hell out of here”
With a big bright smile amid a snarl that is soon transformed into a grunty laughter, he floats up another story.
“Knock Knock, Wanna go soul selling? We go soul searching and buy you a new one. Something that feels better and makes you look better. So how bout the dogs??”
“I am game. Lets go. But hurry up. I have to be back by dawn. Wont be able to sleep at night tomorrow so will have to sleep in the afternoons.” the male voice answers right above my head.
I sit on my bed and look inside me and check the soul.
I go back to sleep. It is sound and beautiful then ever.
Dreams, in sleep and out of sleep, more of them coming these days because of a liberated mind that was occupied by so much other stuff sometime back. It is becoming the time where soul and mind are processing the path of quest, to understand one’s own self in a totally different way.
Soul selling, again?
Read my blog, second from the top, heh.
Living on Video
well guess soul selling is going on at quite alot of blogs...and one always knows if one sells the soul, before, during and even after it.....it all depends on us....scary thought.? yes it is.......
Sold the soul yet ?
This post set me thinking, is there anything that would make me sell my soul.
And I just end up shaking my head. Nah.
Like the writing. Linking you back too. :)
Well its good that you were able to shake your head and say no......
the temptation levels are always high so take care
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