Friday, 1 June 2007


I have been tagged for the first time by The Island Girl.

Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.
People who are tagged need to write posts in their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
At the end of your post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.

1) I am a short girl (about 5 feet 2 inches, to be precise 5 feet 1 ½ inches) with a short temper, but once I get a reason for things (however vague and illogical it may be), the temper just vanishes as it comes.
2) I admire sleeping and totally believe in Dalai Lama’s mantra followed by The Island Girl ‘Sleeping is the best form of meditation.’ However if it is all about spending time with my loved ones which includes family, friends, books, writing and music, I can sacrifice it, of course to complete it later.
3) Music is my biggest passion in life apart from Reading. I am a trained classical singer and have been a part of quite a few reality shows that we see on T.V. these days (Don’t jump of your seats I could never go beyond the zonal finalist stage which was the last stage to enter the finals) but no doubt about the fact all these experiences remain special.
4) I get bored easily. That is one reason why I have to keep on doing new things everyday. Something as simple as learning a new song or know about a new book or maybe gather some new information.
5) I like creativity in any form. What appeals most to me is the human spirit to constantly try and excel, specially in painting, sculpture, writing and for that matter anything done with a different touch.
6) I talk a lot. And “a lot” within double quotes. I am the perfect example of somebody who can talk endlessly for hours. Most of the times I am not too boring but at times my friends can get cantankerous because I can be too boisterous and noisy. But there are times I like remaining with my own self and just be alone.
7) I don’t forget things easily. I can remember what somebody had said 5 years back in what situation. However I don’t like keeping grudges and try not to be too unkind, however human tendency might overtake things at times.
8) I can get unusually tense in certain situations and can cry easily. But one talk with a good friend and somebody just giving me that last minute advise can work wonders. That is one reason why my friends are quite special for me. However I can be unnervingly chilled out in professional situations.

I am tagging the following fellow bloggers since i dont have many blog friends

As i see it
Random Ramblings


Bharti Bedi said...

I can be too boisterous and noisy.

haha ya u rnt boring..

keep rocking

The Crazy Apothecary said...

good to read ur blog.. we seem similar in some points.especially points 6, 7 n 8.n hey.. i guess all of us just have to suffer thru the mandatory crests n troughs of life.. by the way, thanks for visiting my blog :)

Bharti Bedi said...

and baby if u r short tempered then wat will u call me??

The Crazy Apothecary said...

hey thank u :) im going to link u as well. happy blogging! looking forward to ur posts..

Alesea said...

@Island Girl
'Not Boaring'- Good to hear from you.
N short temepered..yes i am....u r nt short tempered (may be a little)...u have solid mood swings

Alesea said...

@crazy apothecary
nah not mandatory...all people deal differently...we just ended up finding similarities which is nice...thnks for linking

Maneater of Kumaon said...

Hi Alesea, how u doing?...nice blog